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(DTPtechNote:1034) Re: ApplescriptでIllustratorのPlacedItemのpositionを変えられない


illustrator 9のASは不整合が多すぎてろくでもないと思っています。
illustrator CSですと、こんな感じですなおにできるんですけどね。。。

set my_graphic to (choose file with prompt ("配置画像を選んでください") as Unicode text)
set {start_x, start_y} to {0, 0}
set {move_x, move_y} to {50, 100}

tell application "Illustrator CS"
	set my_doc to make new document at front
	tell my_doc
		set current_item to make new placed item with properties {file path:my_graphic, position:{start_x, start_y}}
		tell current_item
			set position to {move_x, move_y}
		end tell
	end tell
end tell