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(DTPtechNote:1261) Re: [AS InDesignCS] Text Esport

Indesign CS2用に書き直してみた。

(c)2003-2005 www.seuzo.jp

2005.07.14	ver.0.1	とりあえず
2005.07.17	ver.0.2	テーブルの中も書き出すようにしてみた
2005.07.18	ver.0.3	ドラッグ&ドロップインタフェイスを追加。ページごと(またはストーリーごと)に書き出すかどうかを追加。
2005.12.06	ver.04	Indesign CS2対応

on open (theFiles)
	set my_doc to {}
	tell application "Finder"
		repeat with i in theFiles
			if file type of contents of i = "IDd4" then set end of my_doc to contents of i
		end repeat
		if my_doc = {} then my my_error("処理ファイルがみつかりませんでした", true)
		my control_sub(my_doc) --あとはコントロール部におまかせ
	end tell
end open

on run
	tell application "Finder"
		set my_doc to (choose file with prompt "テキストを書き出したいドキュメントを選んでください" of type {"IDd4"}) as list
		my control_sub(my_doc) --あとはコントロール部におまかせ
	end tell
end run

to control_sub(my_doc)
	set contents_txt to "" as Unicode text
	set open_files to {}
	my ver()
	tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2_J"
		set export_way to button returned of (display dialog ("Page単位で書き出しますか? それともStoryごと?" as Unicode text) buttons {"キャンセル", "Page", "Story"} default button 3)
		set my_file to (choose file name with prompt "出力ファイルを保存します" default name "contents.txt")
		if exists document 1 then set open_files to (full name of every document) as Unicode text
		repeat with i in my_doc
			if open_files contains (i as Unicode text) then my my_error("処理ドキュメントはすでに開かれています。いったんドキュメントを閉じてから再実行してください", true)
			open i
			if export_way is "Story" then
				set contents_txt to contents_txt & (i as Unicode text) & return & return & my story_export()
				set contents_txt to contents_txt & (i as Unicode text) & return & return & my page_export()
			end if
			close document 1 saving no --保存せずにドキュメントを閉じる
		end repeat
		my write_file(contents_txt, my_file)
		display dialog "書き出しおわりました"
	end tell
end control_sub

to ver()
	tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2_J"
		set my_version to (version of script preferences) as number
		if my_version < 4.0 or my_version > 4.9 then
			my my_error("このプログラムはInDesign CS2以外では動作しません", true)
		end if
	end tell
end ver

to story_export()
	set tmp_txt to "" as Unicode text
	tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2_J"
		tell document 1
			convert to text every table of every story --テーブルをテキストに変換
			set every_story to every story
			repeat with i in every_story
				set tmp_i_txt to contents of (object reference of i)
				set tmp_txt to tmp_txt & tmp_i_txt & return & return
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
	return tmp_txt
end story_export

to page_export()
	set tmp_txt to "" as Unicode text
	tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2_J"
		tell document 1
			convert to text every table of every story
			repeat with i from 1 to count pages
				tell page i
					set page_name to name
					set tmp_txt to tmp_txt & "-------------------------- Page : " & page_name & return & return
					set tmp_obj to all page items
					set my_obj to {} --テキストフレームオブジェクトのリストの初期化
					repeat with i in tmp_obj
						if class of i = text frame then
							set end of my_obj to object reference of i
						end if
					end repeat
					repeat with ii in my_obj
						set tmp_txt to tmp_txt & return & return & contents of (object reference of ii) & return
					end repeat
				end tell
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
	return tmp_txt
end page_export
on write_file(contents_txt, my_file)
	tell application "Finder"
		set FH to open for access my_file with write permission
			write contents_txt to FH
		on error errMsg number errNo
			close access FH
			display dialog "書き込み時のエラーです" & return & errMsg & errNo
		end try
		close access FH
		update my_file
	end tell
end write_file

on my_error(err_str, my_stop)
	set err_str to err_str as Unicode text
	if my_stop then
		set my_stop to {"中止"}
		set my_stop to {"中止", "続行"}
	end if
	tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2_J"
		--set user interaction level to interact with all --ユーザー操作の禁止を解除します
		set ANS to button returned of (display dialog err_str buttons my_stop default button 1 with icon 1) --警告ダイアログ出してストップ
		if ANS is "中止" then
			error number -128
		end if
	end tell
end my_error