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(DTPtechNote:425) Re: text box for QXP




set fluctuation to 1 --増加量
set aki to 0 --テキストとテキストボックスのアキ量

tell application "QuarkXPress4.10r2J"
	tell document 1
		tell current box
				repeat while box overflows
					set {y1, x1, y2, x2} to bounds as list
					set tmp to (y2 as real) + (fluctuation * 10)
					set bounds to {y1, x1, tmp, x2}
				end repeat
				repeat until box overflows
					set {y1, x1, y2, x2} to bounds as list
					set tmp to (y2 as real) - fluctuation
					set bounds to {y1, x1, tmp, x2}
				end repeat
				repeat while box overflows
					set {y1, x1, y2, x2} to bounds as list
					set tmp to (y2 as real) + (fluctuation / 10)
					set bounds to {y1, x1, tmp, x2}
				end repeat
				set {y1, x1, y2, x2} to bounds as list
				set tmp to (y2 as real) + aki
				set bounds to {y1, x1, tmp, x2}
			on error errMsg number errNum
				display dialog "たぶんこれ以上おおきくなりません" buttons {"キャンセル"} with icon 0
			end try
		end tell
	end tell --document 1
end tell --application